Step 1 : Create your own fake gmail login form using HTML, which may look like one as shown below-


Here's the html required:

Step 2:
We require a form processor to process this fake login form, i.e. to store the username and password entered by the victim.
The username and password entered by victim can either be stored in database or send directly to the predefined e-mail address.
This can be done in two ways-

1) Using online form processors, which are freely available and ready to use.
eg. One of such form processor is provided by http://www.formmail.com . You have to register with www.formmail.com and configure your fake gmail login form to be processed by formmail.com . The configuration is different for each formmail account. Which may be something like following-

Your form must start with the following
HTML tag:
You must also include the following hidden configuration fields
in your form so that formmail.com knows what account and form processor
to use on the submitted data:
You must also inform this form processor who you wish to have your
form results emailed to. To do so, you must include a hidden form
field that specifies the recipient:

Please Note: the above field will work, but an even better solution
is to use the ID number for that email address (thus hiding your
address from spammers):

Now both of your 'Fake Gmail Login Form (eg. gmail.html)' and 'Form Processor' are ready to use.
Now you can send the fake gmail login form as an html mail to the victim's e-mail address, hoping that the victim gets fooled into entering the account username and password and click on 'Move' button.
Note that, you must use your fake name as 'GMail Team' or 'GMail' while sending fake login form to victim.
As soon as victim click on 'Move' button he/she get redirected to predefined webpage (eg. http://www.gmail.com), while his/her 'username' and 'password' get emailed to you by formmail.com .
That's It............!

This is a common fake page login
But it works!
For newbies.
Ignore if you already know
By-Fasih uz zafar

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Orkut Hack

The article below explains the method to hack orkut account by stealing cookies. Hacking orkut accounts has become much popular and hence i have added this article which will help you in hacking your friends orkut account. Just ask the victim to copy the script in address bar and then you will be able to login/access /hack his orkut account. The another method for hacking orkut accounts is by means of phishing which i have explained in my post Using phishing to hack accounts.

Note: My purpose is only to make u aware of what's happening around and not to teach u hacking orkut, gmail or any account in any sort!!.

Procedure for hacking orkut by cookies stealing from mozilla firefox to hack gmail or orkut is given below.

"Hacking orkut or Gmail" With the Help of Cookies or by "stealing cookies" of the victim:

By going through this post i hope you will understand how easy has hacking became with the help of cookies.

The post explains how one can steal cookies to hack orkut account or gmail account. No password cracking method required. Neither i will ask u to download any costly software. Only what u have to do is send the below mentioned script to the victim and ask him to copy paste in his address bar. Once thats done, you can access his account easily and do whatever u want.

By this post you'll be learning cookie stealing and Hacking orkut Or Gmail account. Orkut or any account can also be hacked by using Keylogging.

Update: I have been reported by many visitors that this hack has worked for all of them. Thus, this account hacking trick is working 100%....cheers.....

Procedure to hack gmail or orkut through mozilla by stealing cookies:-

1.Firstly you need have Mozilla firefox.
2.Download cookie editor plugin for Mozilla firefox from:


3.You need to have two fake accounts to Hack Orkut or Gmail , So that you have to receive cookies to one Orkut account and other Orkut account for Advertising your Script, Well it depends on your Choice to have Two Gmail(Orkut) accounts.

Cookie Script:


How to use cookies script?

1. Replace your number "UserId.value=33444211"
How to Replace your Number
1. Go to your album
2. Right click on any Photo> Properties>55886645.jpg It will be a Eight Digit Value.
3. Now replace your value with the value in the java script.

Your script will look like.


2.Now send this Cookie script to the victim and ask him to paste in Address bar and Press enter

3.You'll Get his cookie in your scrap book.

4.After Getting a cookie go to your orkut Home page , Then click on Tools tab and then go to cookie editor plugin( Tools--> Cookie editor)

5.click filter/refresh.look for 'orkut_state' cookie. just double click it and replace the orkut_state part with your victim's Script
put ur eight digit number in the place of (33444211).

Thats it your done with.

Logout of your orkut and login again and you'll be in your victims Homepage. Enjoy Hacking....!

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Xp sp3 password hack

Insert win xp bootable disk

go for a boot and select d option repair while selecting for xp installation. After it has finished.it'll restart and then u'll see a window where u'll find 37 min remaining...if u've loaded win xp ever then it's easy for ya...there all u hav 2 do is 2 press shift+F10 AND u'll get command prompt where u've 2 type "nusrmgr.cpl" and hit enter and there u go with all your usernames including administrator..select it and remove d pwd..... then reastart and u've successfully hacked your destinyyyy.101% WORKING.............Enjoy...........

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Speed up your internet connection

HI friendz Is your slow internet speed is bugging you? well then i can help you little bit.

i found this trick while messing up with group policy editor .

That ...Microsoft reserves 20% of your available bandwidth for their own purposes like Windows Updates and interrogating your PC etc. same issue is with all microsft OS by default.

You can get it back:
Click Start then Run and type "gpedit.msc" without quotes.
This opens the group policy editor.
Then go to:Local Computer Policythen Computer Configurationthen
Administrative Templates
then Network then QOS Packet Scheduler
and then to Limit Reservable Bandwidth.
Double click on Limit Reservable bandwidth.
It will say it is not configured, but the truth is under the 'Explain' tab i.e."By default, the Packet Scheduler limits the system to 20 percent of the bandwidth of a connection, but you can use this setting to override the default.
"So the trick is to ENABLE reservable bandwidth, then set it to ZERO. This will allow the system to reserve nothing, rather than the default 20%.
It works on Win 2000 as well.How did you like it.please comment.

Note:This trick works only for windows xp sp2 professional and windows 2000 professional.It does not work on windows xp sp2 home edition As thers no way to edit group policy editor .....

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Finding IP Address Of the Sender In Hotmail

# Log into your Hotmail account with your username and password.
# Click on the Mail tab on the top.
# Open the mail.
# If you do not see the headers above the mail message, your headers are not displayed . To display the headers,

* Click on Options on the top-right corner
* In the Mail Options page, click on Mail Display Settings
* In Message Headers, make sure Advanced option is checked.
* Click on Ok button
* Go back to the mails and open that mail.

# If you find a header with X-Originating-IP: followed by an IP address, that is the sender's IP address

* Hotmail headers : Daniel ,In this case the IP address of the sender is []. This is be the IP address of the sender.

# If you find a header with Received: from followed by a Gmail proxy like this

* Hotmail headers : Daniel
* Look for Received: from followed by IP address within square brackets[]. In this case, the IP address of the sender is [].

# Or else if you have headers like this

* Hotmail headers : Daniel
* Look for Received: from followed by IP address within square brackets[].
In this case, the IP address of the sender is [] .

# If you have multiple Received: from headers, eliminate the ones that have proxy.anyknownserver.com.

Finding IP Address of the sender in Yahoo Mail!!
# Log into your Yahoo! mail with your username and password.
# Click on Inbox or whichever folder you have stored your mail.
# Open the mail.
# If you do not see the headers above the mail message, your headers are not displayed . To display the headers,

* Click on Options on the top-right corner
* In the Mail Options page, click on General Preferences
* Scroll down to Messages where you have the Headers option
* Make sure that Show all headers on incoming messages is selected
* Click on the Save button
* Go back to the mails and open that mail.

# You should see similar headers like this:

* Yahoo! headers : Daniel.

# Look for Received: from followed by the IP address between square brackets [ ]. Here, it is
# That is be the IP address of the sender!

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How To Hack Windows Xp Admin Passwords.....?

How to hack Windows XP Admin Passwords the easy way by Fasih-uz-zafar
This hack will only work if the person that owns the machine
has no intelligence. This is how it works:
When you or anyone installs Windows XP for the first time your
asked to put in your username and up to five others.
Now, unknownst to a lot of other people this is the only place in
Windows XP that you can password the default Administrator Diagnostic
Account. This means that to by pass most administrators accounts
on Windows XP all you have to do is boot to safe mode by pressing F8
during boot up and choosing it. Log into the Administrator Account
and create your own or change the password on the current Account.
This only works if the user on setup specified a password for the
Administrator Account.

This has worked for me on both Windows XP Home and Pro.
Now this one seems to be machine dependant, it works randomly(don't know why)

cd\ *drops to root
cd\windows\system32 *directs to the system32 dir
mkdir temphack *creates the folder temphack
copy logon.scr temphack\logon.scr *backsup logon.scr
copy cmd.exe temphack\cmd.exe *backsup cmd.exe
del logon.scr *deletes original logon.scr
rename cmd.exe logon.scr *renames cmd.exe to logon.scr
exit *quits dos
Now what you have just done is told the computer to backup the command program
and the screen saver file, then edits the settings so when the machine boots the
screen saver you will get an unprotected dos prompt with out logging into XP.
Once this happens if you enter this command minus the quotes
"net user password"
If the Administrator Account is called Frank and you want the password blah enter this
"net user Frank blah"
and this changes the password on franks machine to blah and your in.

Have fun
p.s: dont forget to copy the contents of temphack back into the system32 dir to cover tracks
Any updates, Errors, Suggestions or just general comments mail them to either

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How to find your motherboard version?

Q:How to find your motherboard version?
A: The revision number that we are interested in can be found on the side of the PCI-E, PCI slot(or ISA slot) OR on top of the printer port. Please refer to pictures below on its location.....................ENJOY....!

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Increase performance through MyComputer in WinXP

Performance Increase Through My Computer

1: Start > Right Click on My Computer and select properties.
2: Click on the "Advanced" tab
3: See the "Perfomance" section? Click "Settings"
4: Disable all or some of the following:

Fade or slide menus into view
Fade or slide ToolTips into view
Fade out menu items after clicking
Show Shadows under menus
Slide open combo boxes
Slide taskbar buttons
Use a background image for each folder type
Use common tasks in folders

There, now Windows will still look nice and perform faster

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How to safely edit Registry in WinXP

Windows XP has a vast number of configuration dialogs, but some adjustments can be performed only by directly editing the Registry. Frequently, tips involving Registry tweaks include stern warnings to back up the Registry before making any change. The Windows XP Backup applet can back up the Registry along with other elements of the System State, but the resulting data file can occupy hundreds of megabytes. You're better off saving a system restore point each time you're about to edit the Registry. Better still, you can use Regedit to back up only the Registry keys that will be changed.

Click on Start | Run and enter Regedit to launch the Registry editor. To back up an individual key you plan to edit, navigate to the key and right-click on it. Choose Export from the menu, and save the key to a REG file. Open the REG file in Notepad and insert a few comment lines that describe the source and purpose of the tweak. (To create a comment line, simply put a semicolon at the start of the line.)

Now go ahead and make all the changes to Registry keys and values specified by the tip you're applying. Any time you add a new key or value, make a note of it with another comment line in the REG file. When you're done, save the REG file and close Notepad.

If later you want to undo this Registry tweak, just double-click on the REG file and confirm that you want to add it to the Registry. This will restore any deleted keys or values and will restore the original data for any values whose data was changed. Note that this will not remove new keys or values that were added; that's why you need to make comments about such changes.

Right-click on the REG file and choose Edit, which will open it in Notepad. Check for comments about keys or values that were added, and if you find any, use Regedit to delete them. You can delete the REG file itself once you've completed this process

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Reverse Coding



# Released by FCSG(Fasih Cyber Security Group)
# legalz: modify and use at will, if you make any changes, improvements, updates or use the code
# in another project, please send us what you did and give credit
# if you have any questions, post them at pcfunzone.blogspot.com
# be sure to check out pcfunzone.blogspot.com for updates and new tutorials/downloads

Copyrights reserved to fasih, 2008 from FCSG

4.RAM and ROM
6.Needed programs

Welcome to my Reverse Coding tutorial! In this paper, you will
learn how to crack and modify your own software. I'll try to get
into as much detail as possible, yet also dumb it down a bit. =)

All information is purely for educational purposes only! The author
cannot be held responsible for any (ab)use of this information.

To begin, I'm going to teach you about hexadecimal, so if you already
know it, then move on. Even if you do already know it, I suggest
sticking around for a refreshment of your memory.=)

Hexadecimal, or hex as it's more commonly known, is a base 16
numbering system. Base 16 meaning that it consists of 16 numbers:
0-9 and A-F. Each of these numbers (A-F=10-16) have a value of 4 bits
and are also called nibbles. In representing a hexadecimal number, one
would write an "0x" before the actual bit set. 0x is simply a tag put
before a hex number to let programmers know that it is in fact, hex.
When writing hex, you will not need to use this prefix.

If you haven't already noticed, the 0x prefix looks similar to that of exponential
notation. Actually this is where 0x has been derived, seeing as how
hex is simply a number that has been raised to a power of 16.
This means 10 in hexadecimal represents the value 16+0, or 16. So check
out this example:

0xB3 (hex)= 2*16(squared)+11*16(to the 1st power)+3*16(to the power of 0 )
=2*256+11*16+3=691 (decimal)

Yeah, you could do all of that, or you could be lazy and use an automated
program that does it all for you. Why do you need to know hex? Because
it's used by every piece of software and hardware. How? Memory based address
allocation. Here's an example:

When you clicked on your browsers icon to launch it, the click triggered a "call"
(an asm function that will be discussed more in depth in later chapters.) which
went back to the programs memory with the "click in it's hand." It finds the
address where the code is that makes the program launch and executes it. The
address is written in, you guessed it, hex. An example of an address would be
something like this:


5108 would be the actual specific address and 101c would be the sector
of RAM were the address is located. Those are the basics of Hexadecimal
You should probley read this chapter againbecause getting a firm grasp on hex
is essential to cracking and moding programs.
---RAM and ROM--------

In this section we are gonna learn about RAM and ROM. Many people kno about
the hardware part of RAM and ROM and that's gonna be very useful to you......
just not in this tutorial. =) We are about to learn about the "software" side. I use the
term software loosly in that software tends to have a GUI (Graphical User Interface)
and this does not. BUT, there are ways to access and modify the behavior of it that
I will talk about in this chapter, as well as in the next. To start off, I'll answer some
common questions:

What is RAM?

RAM (Random Access Memory) is basically memory and the process of accessing it.
The term "Random Access Memory" was approprietly given to this memory unit because
when executing a command, the CPU doesn't have to scroll through all the memory on
your PC until it finds the right address. It "randomly" whips out the addy from it's back
pocket and serves it up.This process is both quick and efficient. Learning this process
will help you understand the ASM functions in the next chapter.

How does RAM work?

When a command is issued and the memory is pulled from file, it must first go through
what is called a "vector". A vector is a "gateway" or a "sector" of RAM where the address
of the function is stored with others of it's own kind. An example of a vector would be
something like this:


This means that all "addressii" (hehe) that are between those values are stored in that
sector of RAM. A vector acts as a gateway in that, first, pass through a vector to get to
address. Your average program probley has about 30 to 40 main vectors, sectioning
off from boot until exit. Knowing the vector of an addy or a function will greatly reduce
your headache when you start searching for it.

ROM. ROM is a part of memory that doesn't change. (Although we can change it.=) )
Boot ROM for instance, follows the same plan of action it is called upon. ROM also has
vectors, just like RAM. ROM is not that important when it comes to cracking to we will
leave it alone for now.

Back to RAM. Believe it or not, but addressii (there I go again, I'm such a g33k.)
actually follow certain formats or syntax's for certain functions. Take hot keys for
example: In the under ground, we call them "Joker commands". By pressing a certain
combonation of keys, a program will run, close, be stupid, whatever. The syntax for a
Joker command is as follows:


Let's examine this format a little closer.

0d= The proclemation of a specifyed format

aaaaa= The address of the function

f= The float or remainder; "Floating point number" ; decimal

000= "NOP" No operation

z= The "Booleon" as we the C++ programmers call it. A booleon is an "IF, THEN" statement.
"IF this is true, THEN do this." Value 0= equal; 1= different; 2=less than; 3=greater than.

vvvv= The combonation of hex values (The values of the keys pressed) used to execute the "CALL"

Say the "A" key had a vlaue of fffb and the "B" key has a vlaue of fffd. You would then add both
values using a hex calculator and get fff9 as the sum. The output on you calculator would
show 1fff8. Add the first value and the last value to find the fourth byte segment. So say
we've found the address of the Joker function (usually in the boot ROM sector) commonly
called the "Maple address" and we are ready to program in some hex code. Our code may
look like this:


This means that IF the value of fff9 (A and B) is equal (0) to the address (aaaaf) of the function,
THEN execute it. See? Easy isn't it? You'll need to know things like this when modding programs
as a use of executing of your arbitrary code in certain parts of your program at a certain time.
Joker commands are also reversable in that if you enter the same code except with a 1,2, or 3,
in the z slot and by changing the button combonations. Reversable meaning terminating the
function or other functions that were started. A good use for this is for firewalls and babysitting
programs. Are you on a college machine and can't download stuff because of that pesky firewall?
Crack it open and program in some Joker commands so you can turn it on and off at will
WITHOUT the administrator's password!

To start off with our small and to the point ASM section, I'll warn you in advance, after reading this,
you'll need to go take a shower cause this is disgusting! Here we go!

To begin, I'm gonna define for you some functions that you'll be seeing alot of, and be using. Here they are:

.:Hex:. .:ASM:. .:MEANING:.

75,0f85 jne jump if not equal
74,0f84 je jump is equal
eb jmp jump directly to
90 nop no operation
77,0f87 ja jump if above
0f86 jna jump if not above
0f83 jae jump if above or equal to
0f82 jnae jump if not above or equal
0f82 jb jump if below
0f83 jnb jump is not below
of86 jbe jump if below or equal
0f87 jnbe jump if not below or equal
0f8f jg jump if greater
0f8e jng jump if not greater
0f8d jge jump if greater or equal
0f8c jnge jump if not greater or equal
0f8c jl jump if less
0f8d jnl jump if not less
0f8e jle jump if less or equal
0f8f jnle jump if not less or equal

The easy thing about most of the functions in ASM are that they sound like what they mean.
Jump, means of coarse, to Jump from one thing to another. Example:

"jmp 00401744" would mean to jump directly to the address 00401744 once the code
hits the function.

Let's look at "CALL". Call is a function that is used to "call" a certain task, string, address, whatever.
Take a look at this example:

"Call 0040ccc2" this would of coarse call the address 0040ccc2 and use it. Those are the functions
you'll be using.

The reason why I'm not going into loads of detail in this chapter is because when
cracking software, not an extensive amount of knowledge of ASM is needed. If you want
to know more or need help with something, e-mail me at the address provided at the end of
this tutorial. This chapter wasn't so nasty was it? Nah, it was easy =)
---Needed Programs----------------

The programs you will need are as follows:

WDasm 8.9 or Higher
Hiew 6.1
Softice for win9x v3.24
SubmitWolf(demo)v4.01 (http://www.trellian.com/swolf)
Programming Language (C,C++,Pascal,ASM whatever you would like) Prefably C for this tutorial!
And a brain (no seriously)

Ok, here we go! The first thing you need to do is to open up SoftIce and then swolf32.exe which is the name given to our
target program. Go to the help menu and select register. Here's where your brain will come in, start to look
for how the protection is running by entering some random crap into the blank space. Don't press the OK button yet though.
Instead, press CTRL-D to bring up SoftIce. What we are gonna try to do is define a breakpoint, using BPX hmemcpy.
Hit CTRL-D again and it will bring you back to the program. Click OK on the box and SoftIce will again pop up. Now press F12
and it will bring you to the target program code. Scroll down a few lines and find:

:004167D9 8D4C2410 lea ecx, dword ptr {esp+10}--;ecx=the random crap you typed in.
:004167DD 8D94290000000 lea edx, dword ptr {esp+00000090}-;edx=name
:004167E4 51 push ecx
:004167E5 52 push edx
:004167E6 E8B5450100 call 0042ADA0----;this is the call which calculates the serial
:004167EB 83C410 add esp, 00000010--;
:004167EE 85C0 test eax, eax----;and return eax=1 if true (booleon =) )
:004167F0 0F8596000000 jne 0041688C----;jump to registered
:004167F6 8D442408 lea eax, dword ptr {esp+08}
:004167FA 8D8C2488000000 lea ecx, dword ptr {esp+00000088}
:00416801 50 push eax
:00416802 51 push ecx
:00416803 E868470100 call 0042AF70----;this call tests our serial
:00416808 83C408 add esp, 00000008---;
:0041680B 85C0 test eax, eax----;for v3.XX one.
:0041680D 7433 je 00416842;jump is equal

The call that we want to focas on is at 004167E6. This call tests wether our serial is for the correct version or not.
Let's trace the call 004ADA0:

*Referenced by a CALL at address:
:0042ADA 83EC30 sub esp, 00000030
:0042ADA3 55 push ebp
:0042ASA4 56 push esi
:004ADA5 57 push edi
:0042ADA6 8B7C24444 mov edi, dword ptr {esp+44}--;edi=our fake serial
:004ADAA 85FF test edi, edi
:004ADAC 0F4A7010000 je 0042AF59----;die if empty
:004ADB2 8B6C2440 mov ebp, dword ptr {esp+40}--ebp=our name
:0042ADB6 85ED test ebp, ebp
:004ADB8 0F849B010000 je 0042AF59---;die if empty
:004ADBE 8A07 mov al, byte ptr {edi}--;compare 1st byte of serial with 'p', die
:0042ADC0 3C50 cmp al, 50----;
:0042ADC2 0F8587010000 jne 0042AF4F----;if not equal
:0042ADC8 807F0134 cmp byte ptr {edi+01}, 34--:compare byte of serial with '4'
:004ADCC 750C jne 0042ADDA----;
:0042ADCE C70500C8430000000000 mov dword ptr {0043C800}, 00000000
:0042ADD8 EB1C jmp 0042ADF6

As we can see by the above, the code tells us that the first value of our serial will
be 'p' and a cycle of a four byte algorythm. I could go on and on about all of the internals
of all this stuff but that would be going beyond the scope of this tutorial. The idea was to show
how to crack this pro, and thats what I'm going to do. Based on the information I've given you, and the
information that you can deduce from reading the code, I've written a small key generator in C.
If you know C, then you'll be able to tell where i got the algorythms to write it. So here it is:


int main(void)
long code=555583,count1,count2;
char name[25],cod[5],type='0';
printf("This is a simple key-generator written by k33t of CYBNET Security Group");
text color(10);
printf("SubmitWolf(demo)ver4.1 cracked by k33t");
prinf("-November 2002");
prinf("'\n\nSelect Edition PRO(0) or Enterprise(1) (0/1)=");
prinf("Enter Registration Name=");
for(count1=0;count1<=3;count1++ cod[count1]=name[count1]; for(count=1;count1=3;count1++){ for(count2=0;count2<=3;count2++) cod[count2]=cod[count2]*(code%100); code=code/100; } for(count1=0;name[count1]>0;count1++);
for(count2=0;count2<=3;count2++) cod[count2]=cod[count2]^(name[count1]+3); for=(count1-3;count1>=0;count1--){
if(code<0)code=-code; code="code*10;">999999;) code=code/10;
printf(Your Serial Number=P%c4-%ld",(type=='1')? 'E':'4'code);
return ;

Ok! So! An overall conclusion of this code is:

1.First two characters of the serial must be either 'PE' or 'P4'.
2.Multiply every first four characters or our name with every byte of our serial before '-'
3.XOR every four byte with every byte of our name.
4.Convert to positive number if<0.
5.Convert to number between 10000 and 1000000.

Forgive me if this code is buggy as I wrote it very quickly in the little spare time I had.


Well how was your first cracking expierience? Not bad eh? Ok well if you have any questions,
problems,comments,.....criticsms.......you can e-mail them to me at:


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Google Hacking Techniques

A few things you might want to try with Google:

Hand type the following prefixes and note their utility:

link:url Shows other pages with links to that url.

related:url same as "what's related" on serps.

site:domain restricts search results to the given domain.

allinurl: shows only pages with all terms in the url.

inurl: like allinurl, but only for the next query word.

allintitle: shows only results with terms in title.

intitle: similar to allintitle, but only for the next word. "intitle:webmasterworld google" finds only pages with webmasterworld in the title, and google anywhere on the page.

cache:url will show the Google version of the passed url.

info:url will show a page containing links to related searches, backlinks, and pages containing the url. This is the same as typing the url into the search box.

spell: will spell check your query and search for it.

stocks: will lookup the search query in a stock index.

filetype: will restrict searches to that filetype. "-filetype:doc" to remove Microsoft word files.

daterange: is supported in Julian date format only. 2452384 is an example of a Julian date.

maps: If you enter a street address, a link to Yahoo Maps and to MapBlast will be presented.

phone: enter anything that looks like a phone number to have a name and address displayed. Same is true for something that looks like an address (include a name and zip code)

site:www.somesite.net "+www.somesite.+net"
(tells you how many pages of your site are indexed by google)

allintext: searches only within text of pages, but not in the links or page title

allinlinks: searches only within links, not text or title

I hope there is something new in here for you and maybe this infos will be helpfull for ya. Send me your feedbacks.

Happy google hacking.

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SpeedUp Menus in WinXP

Go to Start --> Run --> Regedt32

Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop

Locate the key called "MenuShowDelay" and it is probably set to 400.

Change that value to 10 or any value you like but should be less than 400.

Reboot your computer.

You should notice a slight increase in the speed of your menus

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Win XP Tweaks

Win XP Tweaks

Windows Prefetcher
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Control \ Session Manager \ Memory Management \ PrefetchParameters]

Under this key there is a setting called EnablePrefetcher, the default setting of which is 3. Increasing this number to 5 gives the prefetcher system more system resources to prefetch application data for faster load times. Depending on the number of boot processes you run on your computer, you may get benefits from settings up to 9. However, I do not have any substantive research data on settings above 5 so I cannot verify the benefits of a higher setting. This setting also may effect the loading times of your most frequently launched applications. This setting will not take effect until after you reboot your system.

Master File Table Zone Reservation
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Control \ FileSystem]

Under this key there is a setting called NtfsMftZoneReservation, the default setting of which is 1. The range of this value is from 1 to 4. The default setting reserves one-eighth of the volume for the MFT. A setting of 2 reserves one-quarter of the volume for the MFT. A setting of 3 for NtfsMftZoneReservation reserves three-eighths of the volume for the MFT and setting it to 4 reserves half of the volume for the MFT. Most users will never exceed one-quarter of the volume. I recommend a setting of 2 for most users. This allows for a "moderate number of files" commensurate with the number of small files included in most computer games and applications. Reboot after applying this tweak.

Optimize Boot Files
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Dfrg \ BootOptimizeFunction]

Under this key is a text value named Enable. A value of Y for this setting enables the boot files defragmenter. This setting defragments the boot files and may move the boot files to the beginning (fastest) part of the partition, but that last statement is unverified. Reboot after applying this tweak.

Optimizing Startup Programs [msconfig]

MSConfig, similar to the application included in Win9x of the same name, allows the user to fine tune the applications that are launched at startup without forcing the user to delve deep into the registry. To disable some of the applications launched, load msconfig.exe from the run command line, and go to the Startup tab. From there, un-ticking the checkbox next to a startup item will stop it from launching. There are a few application that you will never want to disable (ctfmon comes to mind), but for the most part the best settings vary greatly from system to system.

As a good rule of thumb, though, it is unlikely that you will want to disable anything in the Windows directory (unless it's a third-party program that was incorrectly installed into the Windows directory), nor will you want to disable anything directly relating to your system hardware. The only exception to this is when you are dealing with software, which does not give you any added benefits (some OEM dealers load your system up with software you do not need). The nice part of msconfig is that it does not delete any of the settings, it simply disables them, and so you can go back and restart a startup application if you find that you need it. This optimization won't take effect until after a reboot.

Bootvis Application
The program was designed by Microsoft to enable Windows XP to cold boot in 30 seconds, return from hibernation in 20 seconds, and return from standby in 10 seconds. Bootvis has two extremely useful features. First, it can be used to optimize the boot process on your computer automatically. Second, it can be used to analyze the boot process for specific subsystems that are having difficulty loading. The first process specifically targets the prefetching subsystem, as well as the layout of boot files on the disk. When both of these systems are optimized, it can result in a significant reduction in the time it takes for the computer to boot.

Before attempting to use Bootvis to analyze or optimize the boot performance of your system, make sure that the task scheduler service has been enabled – the program requires the service to run properly. Also, close all open programs as well – using the software requires a reboot.

To use the software to optimize your system startup, first start with a full analysis of a fresh boot. Start Bootvis, go to the Tools menu, and select next boot. Set the Trace Repetition Settings to 2 repetitions, Start at 1, and Reboot automatically. Then set the trace into motion. The system will fully reboot twice, and then reopen bootvis and open the second trace file (should have _2 in the name). Analyze the graphs and make any changes that you think are necessary (this is a great tool for determining which startup programs you want to kill using msconfig). Once you have made your optimizations go to the Trace menu, and select the Optimize System item. This will cause the system to reboot and will then make some changes to the file structure on the hard drive (this includes a defragmentation of boot files and a shifting of their location to the fastest portion of the hard disk, as well as some other optimizations). After this is done, once again run a Trace analysis as above, except change the starting number to 3. Once the system has rebooted both times, compare the charts from the second trace to the charts for the fourth trace to show you the time improvement of the system's boot up.

The standard defragmenter included with Windows XP will not undo the boot optimizations performed by this application.

General Performance Tweaks

IRQ Priority Tweak
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ System \ CurrentControlSet \ Control \ PriorityControl]

You will need to create a new DWORD: IRQ#Priority (where # is the number of the IRQ you want to prioritize) and give it a setting of 1. This setting gives the requisite IRQ channel priority over the other IRQs on a software level. This can be extremely important for functions and hardware subsystems that need real-time access to other parts of the system. There are several different subsystems that might benefit from this tweak. Generally, I recommend giving either the System CMOS or the video card priority. The System CMOS generally has an IRQ setting of 8, and giving it priority enhances the I/O performance of the system. Giving priority to the video card can increase frame rates and make AGP more effective.

You can give several IRQs priority, but I am not entirely certain how the system interacts when several IRQs are given priority – it may cause random instabilities in the system, although it is more likely that there's a parsing system built into Windows XP to handle such an occurrence. Either way, I would not recommend it.

QoS tweak
QoS (Quality of Service) is a networking subsystem which is supposed to insure that the network runs properly. The problem with the system is that it eats up 20% of the total bandwidth of any networking service on the computer (including your internet connection). If you are running XP Professional, you can disable the bandwidth quota reserved for the system using the Group Policy Editor [gpedit.msc].

You can run the group policy editor from the Run command line. To find the setting, expand "Local Computer Policy" and go to "Administrative Templates" under "Computer Configuration." Then find the "Network" branch and select "QoS Packet Scheduler." In the right hand box, double click on the "Limit Reservable Bandwidth." From within the Settings tab, enable the setting and then go into the "Bandwidth Limit %" and set it to 0%. The reason for this is that if you disable this setting, the computer defaults to 20%. This is true even when you aren't using QoS.

Free Idle Tasks Tweak

This tweak will free up processing time from any idle processes and allow it to be used by the foreground application. It is useful particularly if you are running a game or other 3D application. Create a new shortcut to "Rundll32.exe advapi32.dll,ProcessIdleTasks" and place it on your desktop. Double-click on it anytime you need all of your processing power, before opening the application.

Windows Indexing Services
Windows Indexing Services creates a searchable database that makes system searches for words and files progress much faster – however, it takes an enormous amount of hard drive space as well as a significant amount of extra CPU cycles to maintain the system. Most users will want to disable this service to release the resources for use by the system. To turn off indexing, open My Computer and right click on the drive on which you wish to disable the Indexing Service. Enter the drive's properties and under the general tab, untick the box for "Allow the Indexing Service to index this disk for fast file searching."

Priority Tweak
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Control \ PriorityControl]

This setting effectively runs each instance of an application in its own process for significantly faster application performance and greater stability. This is extremely useful for users with stability problems, as it can isolate specific instances of a program so as not to bring down the entire application. And, it is particularly useful for users of Internet Explorer, for if a rogue web page crashes your browser window, it does not bring the other browser windows down with it. It has a similar effect on any software package where multiple instances might be running at once, such as Microsoft Word. The only problem is that this takes up significantly more memory, because such instances of a program cannot share information that is in active memory (many DLLs and such will have to be loaded into memory multiple times). Because of this, it is not recommended for anyone with less than 512 MB of RAM, unless they are running beta software (or have some other reason for needing the added stability).

There are two parts to this tweak. First is to optimize XP's priority control for the processes. Browse to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Control \ PriorityControl and set the "Win32PrioritySeparation" DWORD to 38. Next, go into My Computer and under Tools, open the Folder Options menu. Select the View tab and check the "Launch folder windows in separate process" box. This setting actually forces each window into its own memory tread and gives it a separate process priority.

Powertweak application

Powertweak is an application, which acts much like a driver for our chipsets. It optimizes the communication between the chipset and the CPU, and unlocks several "hidden" features of the chipset that can increase the speed of the system. Specifically, it tweaks the internal registers of the chipset and processor that the BIOS does not for better communication performance between subsystems. Supported CPUs and chipsets can see a significant increase in I/O bandwidth, increasing the speed of the entire system. Currently the application supports most popular CPUs and chipsets, although you will need to check the website for your specific processor/chipset combo – the programmer is working on integrating even more chipsets and CPUs into the software.

Offload Network Task Processing onto the Network Card
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Services \ Tcpip \ Parameters]

Many newer network cards have the ability of taking some of the network processing load off of the processor and performing it right on the card (much like Hardware T&L on most new video cards). This can significantly lower the CPU processes needed to maintain a network connection, freeing up that processor time for other tasks. This does not work on all cards, and it can cause network connectivity problems on systems where the service is enabled but unsupported, so please check with your NIC manufacturer prior to enabling this tweak. Find the DWORD "DisableTaskOffload" and set the value to 0 (the default value is 1). If the key is not already available, create it.

Force XP to Unload DLLs
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Explorer]

XP has a bad habit of keeping dynamic link libraries that are no longer in use resident in memory. Not only do the DLLs use up precious memory space, but they also tend to cause stability problems in some systems. To force XP to unload any DLLs in memory when the application that called them is no longer in memory, browse to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Explorer and find the DWORD "AlwaysUnloadDLL". You may need to create this key. Set the value to 1 to force the operating system to unload DLLs.

Give 16-bit apps their own separate processes
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Control \ WOW]

By default, Windows XP will only open one 16-bit process and cram all 16-bit apps running on the system at a given time into that process. This simulates how MS-DOS based systems viewed systems and is necessary for some older applications that run together and share resources. However, most 16-bit applications work perfectly well by themselves and would benefit from the added performance and stability of their own dedicated resources. To force Windows XP to give each 16-bit application it's own resources, browse to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Control \ WOW and find the String "DefaultSeparateVDM". If it is not there, you may need to create it. Set the value of this to Yes to give each 16-bit application its own process, and No to have the 16-bit application all run in the same memory space.

Disable User Tracking
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies \ Explorer]

The user tracking system built into Windows XP is useless to 99% of users (there are very few uses for the information collected other than for a very nosy system admin), and it uses up precious resources to boot, so it makes sense to disable this "feature" of Windows XP. To do so, browse to HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies \ Explorer and find the DWORD "NoInstrumentation". You may need to create this key if it is not there. The default setting is 0, but setting it to 1 will disable most of the user tracking features of the system.

Thumbnail Cache
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Explorer \ Advanced]

Windows XP has a neat feature for graphic and video files that creates a "thumbnail" of the image or first frame of the video and makes it into an oversized icon for the file. There are two ways that Explorer can do this, it can create them fresh each time you access the folder or it can load them from a thumbnail cache. The thumbnail caches on systems with a large number of image and video files can become staggeringly large. To disable the Thumbnail Cache, browse to HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Explorer \ Advanced and find the DWORD "DisableThumbnailCache". You may need to create this key. A setting of 1 is recommended for systems where the number of graphic and video files is large, and a setting of 0 is recommended for systems not concerned about hard drive space, as loading the files from the cache is significantly quicker than creating them from scratch each time a folder is accessed.

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How 2 reset BIOS password

Here's a DOS trick for Windows 9x, that will reset (delete) your motherboard's BIOS password (aka CMOS password) without any need to open up your computer to remove the battery or mess with jumpers.

This method can come in very handy in the event you ever lose and forget your BIOS password or if you acquire used computers where the unknown previous owners had BIOS passwords set (in fact, this happened to me long ago—I was given a used computer, but there was no way I could enter the CMOS to make changes). It's important to note here that the password we are talking about is only the one that prevents a user from entering the BIOS setup at bootup, not the one that stops you from getting past the boot.

Normally, at bootup you can press a key (usually the DEL key) to access your BIOS allowing you to view it or make changes. With a password set, there is no way to enter setup. Though a password can provide a basic and very effective level of PC security, losing it can be a real headache if you don't know how to fix the problem.

The MS-DOS command that will makes this trick possible is the DEBUG command (debug itself is a utility—debug.exe—which is located in your Windows Command folder). This is not a command to be taken lightly—in other words, it's not a command to play with! You can cause serious corruption with this command and can end up not being able to even boot your computer! Debug is used to work with binary and executable files and allows you to alter (hex edit) the contents of a file or CPU register right down to the binary and byte level.

To begin debug mode, type debug at a MS-DOS prompt or you can specify a file, i.e., DEBUG FILE.EXE. There is a difference in screen output between the two methods. When you type DEBUG alone, debug responds with a hyphen (-) prompt waiting for you to enter commands. The second method, with a file specified, loads the file into memory and you type all the commands on the line used to start debug. In this tip, we will be writing to the BIOS, so the first method is the one that would be used. All debug commands can be aborted at any time by pressing CTRL/C.

Accessing BIOS with DEBUG
The basic trick will be to fool the BIOS into thinking there is a checksum error, in which case it resets itself, including the password. This is done by invalidating the CMOS and to do that we must know how to access the BIOS and where the checksum value of the CMOS is located so that we can change it. Access to the the BIOS content is via what are known as CMOS Ports and it's Port 70 and 71 that will give us the needed access. On almost all AT motherboards, the checksum is located at hexadecimal address 2e and 2f and filling the address 2e with ff is all you should have to do to invalidate the checksum.

Here's what to do if you ever need to reset the password and have no other method, and you don't want to open up your computer to remove the battery or jumpers.

Note! Do this at your own risk. I can only tell you that it has worked for me more than once and has worked for others as well. But I cannot make any guarantees. When I did this, I took a willing risk. The BIOS was Award Modular BIOS v4.51PG

Restart your computer in MS-DOS mode.

When you get to the C:\> or C:\WINDOWS> prompt, type DEBUG and press Enter.

A hyphen (-) prompt will appear waiting for you to enter commands.

Enter the following commands, pressing Enter after each one. Note: the o is the letter o and stands for OUTPUT.
o 70 2e
o 71 ff

After the q command (which stands for QUIT), enter Exit.

Then try to enter your BIOS at bootup. The password prompt should now be gone and you should now have full access to it again. However, you will now be at the default BIOS setttings and may want to change them to your preference. You may also want to have your drives autodetected again.
In closing, I should state that in the case of a lost BIOS password, your first step should always be to contact your manufacturer to see if a backdoor password is available that will allow you to bypass the forgotten password.

There are many sites on the net that list backdoor passwords you can try, but beware that some BIOS that are set up to lock up if you enter the wrong password more than a certain number of times, usually only 3 times!

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How to fix corrupted BIOS

Method 1. Remove the CMOS from the motherboard and then put it back after some time.

Method 2. Flash the EEPROM from BIOS, dowload the required flash software from the site of the manufacturer and then use it accordingly.

Method 3. Use the "Jumper Techinique" for setting the BIOS to default setting. Google out "jumper technique".

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