Iphone & Itouch Hack or jailbreak
First u have to download latest firmware for Iphone/Itouch
Download (redsn0w 0.9.5b5-5)
Open up iTunes 9.2. It’ll detect your iPod Touch.
Press Shift and click restore. Browse for the ipsw file you downloaded in step 1. iTunes will restore the iPod Touch to 4.0.Let it do its work. It may take some time.
Open redsnow (redsn0w 0.9.5b5-5). Browse for the ipsw file you downloaded in step1. It’ll verify the file. Click next.
Check Cydia and click next.
Plug you iPod Touch into computer and Turn it off. If it was already connected, then simply turn it off.
redsnow (redsn0w) will now guide you to put your iPod Touch in DFU mode. Do exactly as shown.(Please make sure ur device is boot off and plugged in to the computer,then hold down the power button for 2 sec,with out releasing the power also hold down the home key for 10 sec,after 1,2 sec without releasing the home button release the power button,but keep holding the Home button for 30 sec.
Once done, it’ll start the jailbraking process. Relax and let it do its work. Do not interrupt or attempt to turn off the device. The jailbreak will complete in few minutes.
Congratulations, You have succesfully jailbreaked your iPod Touch using redsnow.
For Installing cracked applications or games:-Go into Cydia on Iphone/Ipod touch then Go to manage, then sources,Add:
(Http://) cydia.hackulo.us/
Next search for appsync (Mipatch will not work with 3.0) and install onto iphone),Next add the app to itunes,Sync your iphone to itunes and add the application